Home Appliance "Cash for Clunkers"

As the automobile "Cash for Clunkers" program winds down this coming week, marketers can start eying the next big government "stimulus" program. Congress has set aside $300 million for states to run their own rebate program to encourage consumers to buy new energy-efficient home appliances, with money flowing to consumers as early as November.

Where does this leave marketers? If the consumer reaction to the automobile program was any indication, there might well be a surge in household appliance purchases in the fourth quarter of this year. Marketers should do themselves a favor and prepare their promotional campaigns now. The first ones out of the gates will most likely have a sales edge on the competition. Promotional offers, media buys, PPC campaigns, etc. should all be in development now so that companies can hit the ground when the time is right.

Domus is a Philadelphia-based full service marketing communications agency with expertise and extensive experience in the home furnishings and home appliance industries. Although the industry has been signiicantly hurt during this economic downturn, we expect a strong blip in activity, and we believe that those companies who effectively prepare will come out of this recession in a stronger market position than before. Please visit our web site for more.