Good Brand Positioning
Ford Motor Company is planning on announcing later today that its monthly sales increased for the first time in two years (Wall Street Journal). Moreover, over the last year, Ford has regularly posted stronger results than its competitors, gaining market share in nine of the last ten months. In the meantime, GM and Chrysler are regularly running ads promoting sales through the government's "cash for clunkers" program. So, two struggling companies promote a program that can benefit all competitors, and the company who has done the best job of positioning itself reaps the greatest rewards.
All marketers should take note. Advertising that ignores or precludes good brand positioning is not effective in the long term; conversely, good brand positioning enables a brand to take advantage of future marketing opportunities. Advertising campaigns that are intriguing for no reason other than to intrigue (such as the new Palm Pre ads in Advertising Age) do not add to long term brand value. Generating short-term buzz without reinforcing a brand's position does little more than just generating buzz.
Domus has always grounded its marketing consulting in classic marketing principles, including good brand positioning as the basis for advertising and other communications. Please visit our web site to find out more about us.